Baseline Study on Child Labor in Areas Where Tobacco is Grown in Indonesia


This baseline study will provide information on the initial conditions for the subsequent implementation of a child labor intervention program focusing on, including but not limited to:

  1. preventing the 5-to-17-year-old children from becoming child labor in areas where tobacco is grown
  2. raising awareness and understanding of child labor
  3. improving the livelihoods of farmers and their families
  4. training of farmers and farm workers in good agricultural labor practices

Some of the aims of the intervention program are:

  1. strengthen coordination between Partnership For Action Againts Child Labour in Agriculture (PAACLA) members
  2. provide social support at the community level in tackling the issue of child labor
  3. provide national support for relevant stakeholders to resolve the issue of child labor
  4. prevent more child laborers from being recruited by implementing the “Child-Friendly Village” program

This baseline study will establish the initial conditions and profiles of children (aged 5–17) and households prior to the Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing (ECLT) intervention program in selected villages in tobacco growing areas of East Java and West Nusa Tenggara.

This study also has specific aims:

  1. To collect high-quality data on the prevalence of child labor in the selected tobacco growing areas, main characteristics of working children (aged 5–17), and their households.
  2. To obtain information to support the analysis of occupational health and safety issues and consequences for children working as laborers. This information will be collected in different types of tobacco and other crops grown by farmers.
  3. To construct tobacco child labor and overall child labor measures consistent with ILO measurement criteria and Indonesia’s laws and regulations on child labor. We will provide clear documentation on steps to construct the measure’s variables and the calculation necessary to create child labor rates.
  4. To provide ECLT with comprehensive information on a set of indicators on child labor in tobacco-growing sector to guide how to best plan interventions in main focus areas
  5. To provide key selection criteria for recruiting prospective project beneficiaries for future ECLT intervention programs
  6. To identify the components of Theory of Change for future evaluation

We will employ a household survey and qualitative interviews with the study participants. The household survey will specifically focus on forms of child labor in tobacco growing areas. The qualitative interview aims to gain initial information regarding the design and planned implementation of child labour project intervention and develop the intervention's Theory of Change.

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Hafiz Arfyanto
Michelle Andrina
Team Member 
Ulfah Alifia
Rezanti Putri Pramana
Akhmad Ramadhan Fatah
Completion Year 
Project Donor 
Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing (ECLT) Foundation
Type of Service