

Dyan Widyaningsih, Michelle Andrina, Sylvia Andriyani Kusumandari

SMERU extends technical assistance to the Bogor City Government in the development of the RPKD, involving document reviews, quantitative analysis, and qualitative analysis.

Nina Toyamah, Bambang Cahyono Hadi, Hariyanti Sadaly, Ratri Indah Septiana, Alia An Nadhiva, Sri Murniati, Muhammad Harits Kamaaluddin, Felix Reinhard Maleakhi, Anne Shakka, Firdausi Nurus Sa'idah

This study seeks to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the profile, role, and capacity of CSOs in Indonesia, while also identifying the challenges they face and analyzing their needs for capacity building.

Rika Kumala Dewi, Wandira Larasati, Jonathan Farez Satyadharma

The research revisits and updates the current Indonesia’s Youth Development Index to strengthen its role in underlying policies, programs, and directions for youth-related issues in Indonesia over the next five years.

Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Wiwin Purbaningrum, Hening Wikan Sawiji

This project aims to develop policy guidance and recommendations for investment action plans in support of youth, entrepreneurship, and digitalization in Indonesia.

Nina Toyamah, Nurmala Selly Saputri, Rizki Fillaili, Arif Budi Darmawan

This research examines the health financing reform in Indonesia, with a case study of the 2014 National Health Insurance (JKN), to extract valuable insights on navigating the political economy for large-scale reforms.

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