Poverty and Vulnerability Reduction Mainstreaming Toolkit

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

The history of human civilization has recorded that poverty is one of the biggest human tragedies. In this respect, vulnerability has also become a major concern in poverty reduction efforts. In addition to being a moral duty for humankind, poverty and vulnerability reduction efforts are very rational to make because they are beneficial to us all in that they can encourage economic growth and social stability, and provide other benefits.

Poverty and vulnerability reduction policies require a clear, comprehensive, and sustainable concept. Furthermore, it is necessary to incorporate poverty and vulnerability reduction mainstreaming (PVRM) into all public policy to clearly indicate its alignment with the interests, protection, and fulfillment of the basic rights of the poor and vulnerable groups. The incorporation of PVRM into all government and non-government policies, both in the socioeconomic and political sectors, is the first step to alleviating poverty and vulnerability in a systematic, integrated, and sustainable manner. PVRM is therefore essential for poverty and vulnerability reduction efforts to work more effectively and efficiently because its incorporation will ensure that these efforts are strongly supported by all policies and their implementation.

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The SMERU Research Institute
Research Area 
poverty reduction
public policy
Publication Type 
Module and Toolkit
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