Our Policy

Policy on Protection of Personal Data

SMERU is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and ensuring that any information collected, stored, used or otherwise processed by SMERU is done so in accordance with Indonesia’s regulation and recognized international practices and standards. In order to adequately protect the personal data of all individuals, including SMERU staff, service providers, applicants, individuals and corporations involved in SMERU’s programmatic activities or outreach, while at the same time ensuring that SMERU can carry out its programs and efficiently execute required administrative actions, the Policy on Protection of Personal Data (the “Policy”) set out the requirements to be followed by SMERU when handling personal data.

This Policy applies to Personal Data processed by SMERU. It applies to all staff members of SMERU, consultants, contractors, interns, volunteers, secondees, or other SMERU stakeholders, regardless of location, to the extent that they are Controlling or Processing Personal Data under the name of SMERU as a Data Controller or Data Processor with respect to Personal Data relating to Data Subjects. 

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Anti-Fraud And Corruption Policy  

SMERU is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all SMERU’s activities. All employees of SMERU, and all individuals acting for SMERU, are expected to conduct themselves professionally and within the law. This Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy (AFCP) is to ensure ethical and lawful conduct.

This AFCP document describes SMERU’s policy stance and is a reflection of the commitment of the Board of Trustees and Management of SMERU in protecting both SMERU and those acting for SMERU from contravening the law. SMERU, in particular, is subject to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 year 2001 on the amendment of Law Number 31 year 1999 concerning the Eradication of the Criminal Act of Corruption. This policy applies to all persons working for SMERU or on behalf of SMERU in any capacity, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, volunteers, interns and agents, whether located in Indonesia or abroad.

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Child Protection Policy

SMERU recognizes that it has a fundamental duty to protect all children involved in its programs and activities, or in cases where its programs and activities have an impact on children. This includes the duty to protect children from harm or risk of harm as a result of misconduct by SMERU staff or partners, poor practice, or the design or delivery of our programs and activities. This duty is conducted in compliance with Indonesia’s child protection laws, Law No. 35 Year 2014, as well as by adherence to Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Year 1989.

The Child Protection Policy aims to ensure at SMERU (hereafter referred to as the Organization) has fulfilled a shared responsibility in developing and maintaining a child-safe environment. The Child Protection Policy (referred to as The Policy) is designed as part of the Organization’s Standar Operasional Procedure (SOP). This policy applies to all SMERU programs or activities.

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Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy

SMERU recognizes that it has a fundamental duty to protect all personnel, partners, and research subjects (including children, vulnerable adults, and at-risk adults) involved in SMERU’s programs and activities. This includes the duty to protect an individual from harm or risk of harm as a result of misconduct by SMERU’s personnel and partners, poor practice, or the design or delivery of SMERU’s programs and activities. This duty is conducted in compliance with Indonesia’s laws and regulations, i.e., Criminal Code (KUHP), Law No. 44 of 2008 on Pornography, and Law No. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection.

The Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH) policy asserts SMERU’s commitment to zero tolerance for all forms of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEAH). The Policy also serves as the basis for SMERU’s standard operating procedure (SOP) in creating and maintaining a safe work environment, an assurance to always follow up any SEAH case, and protection of victims and survivors. The Policy applies to all of SMERU’s programs and activities in all locations.

SMERU provides reporting channels for alleged violation of the PSEAH policy, as presented in the Appendix and on the SMERU website.

Complaints can be sent through two separate emails, which are only accessible to PSEAHC and the task force: komitePSEAH@smeru.or.id and gugustugasPSEAH@smeru.or.id

SMERU ensures the confidentiality of whistleblowers/victims/survivors as outlined in the Policy.

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