Our Funding

The SMERU Research Institute (SMERU) receives funding from a variety of sources. In the early days of its establishment, SMERU acquired grants from the Ford Foundation, Australian Aid (AusAID), and Department for International Development (DFID). Over time, we have managed to increase our financial independence by securing larger proportions of our funding from competitive grants for research and other projects.

Various donors have also supported SMERU through sponsorship schemes in the organizing of policy communication activities in the form of discussion and dissemination forums, such as Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) and Forum Pembangunan Daerah or Regional Development Forum (FPD). On top of this, SMERU has been entrusted with providing paid training and capacity building to stakeholders at the national and regional levels to improve their capacity for policy study and analysis.

In 2021, the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) gave its support to SMERU to develop the SMERU Learning Centre (SLC), an online learning platform that manages knowledge and skills to improve the quality of evidence-based development policies and uses such wealth of knowledge as training materials for the public. The SLC platform is open to the public and institutions with relevant learning modules are welcome to complement the content on the platform (terms and conditions apply).

If you are interested in supporting or working with SMERU through research, capacity building, development of e-learning modules, dissemination, and forums, or in acquiring research grants, please contact Hesti Marsono at hesti@smeru.or.id.

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