Latest Publications

May, 2019 | Dyan Widyaningsih, Elza Elmira, Dinar Dwi Prasetyo
May, 2019 | Rizki Fillaili, Awliya R. Hendaryanti, Tony Liong, Abella Diandra
We conducted an explorative study to see how the design and implementation of Functional Training in PKB plays a role in enhancing the professional and professional competence of teachers.
April, 2019 | Nila Warda, Ridho Al Izzati , Elza Elmira, Mayang Rizky
April, 2019 | Niken Kusumawardhani, Veto Tyas Indrio, Daniel Suryadarma, Luca Tiberti
April, 2019 | Christine Wulandari, Heni Kurniasih
This paper aims to fill this gap by analyzing community perspectives on who should be prioritized to receive facilitation and what type of facilitation is needed.