This study analyzes the impact of the PBI JKN program on healthcare access for poor and underprivileged communities, identifies non-medical cost barriers, and formulates strategies to reduce out-of-pocket cost burdens for PBI JKN beneficiaries.
This study employs a feminist lens to analyze societal norms and regulatory framework and policies surrounding the care economy and generate evidence to advocate for policies and practices that promote and protect women’s rights and needs in paid care work, both in Indonesia and globally.
This study assesses the effectiveness of improving knowledge and practice in infection prevention measures, equitable demand for vaccination, and reducing vaccine hesitancy.
This study aims to apply the Small Area Estimation method using the latest available Riskesdas and Susenas dataset (2018) for mapping nutrition status in seven kabupaten/kota.
This study review Program Indonesia Pintar’s effectiveness in improving access to education and addressing education and addressing out-of-school children (OOSC) issues.