
29 March 2016

(This webinar is only available in Indonesian)

2 February 2016

(This webinar is only available in Indonesian)

Speaker: Irdam Ahmad (Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA)

21 January 2016

Emmanuel Skoufias (Lead Economist at the Poverty Reduction Group of the World Bank) shared his latest study entitled “Synergies in Child Nutrition: Interactions among Health & Environment, Care Practices, and Food” at The SMERU Research Institute on 21 January 2016.

15 December 2015

On 15 December 2015, The SMERU Research Institute, in collaboration with Bappenas and UNICEF, organized the “Workshop on the Protection for Children Left by Their Migrant Worker Parents” at Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta.

4 November 2015

(This webinar is only available in Indonesian)

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