The SMERU Newsletter Edition No. 15, 2005 is a special edition which raises a different dimension of poverty, namely the environment. Through this edition, we attempt to comprehend the link between the environment and poverty, including its social and political-economic aspect. A number of environmental experts contribute interesting topics to this special edition. For our Focus On column, Nabiel Makarim discusses the relationship between the environment and poverty reduction and its implication for policy analysis.
For the Data Says column, Masnellyarti Hilman examines the Buyat Case of environmental pollution. The writer emphasizes the need to take into account the economic aspect of environmental conservation and provide an alternative view to the perception that environmental protection will hinder economic growth.
For the From the Field column, Budy P. Resosudarmo discusses the impact of decentralization on forestry and fishery management, examining whether decentralization has encouraged us to better manage our natural resources, including its distribution and utilization. Nyoman Iswarayoga then observes how the increase in the quantity and quality of energy supply provides an opportunity to develop the community’s economic activities, hence enabling them to move out of poverty.
In additon, in the Opinion column, Hira Jhamtani examines the complex problem of environmental management in our country, while Roem Topatimasang from Baileo Maluku contributes to the News from NGOs column, discussing the local wisdom of traditional communities in managing their environment.