Latest Publications

January, 2023 | The SMERU Research Institute
SMERU keeps adapting to ensure its research and operational activities run smoothly. The Institute started conducting field studies with different methods and implemented health protocols for certain offline activities in 2021.
January, 2023 | The SMERU Research Institute
January, 2023 | Asri Yusrina, Asep Suryahadi, Ridho Al Izzati
This research note estimated the effect of the fuel price increase and the additional social assistance fund on poverty and expenditure inequality in 2022 using a microsimulation approach.
January, 2023 | Asep Suryahadi, Affandi Ismail, Masagus M. Ridwan, Jahen F. Rezki, Arief Ramayandi
This paper presents an investigation of the causal impact of COVID-19, through lockdowns, on household income, income expectations, consumption of durable goods, and budget allocation in Indonesia using high-frequency data from the monthly Bank Indonesia consumer survey with more than 176,000 respondents.
December, 2022 | Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Paul Vanderberg, Hening Wikan Sawiji
This brief explains how cities across Indonesia can develop enabling ecosystems that foster technology startups and include tailored incubator and accelerator programs, access to mentors, and the development of tech and entrepreneurial talent.