Latest Publications

May, 2018 | Asep Suryahadi, Ridho Al Izzati
This paper assesses the implications of these initiatives on poverty and inequality by correlating economic growth with real per capita household consumption growth by quintile at the district level.
May, 2018 | Asep Suryahadi, Cecilia Marlina
This study finds that Jabodetabek’s poverty profile is significantly different from the national one, in particular in terms of educational attainment, access to drinking water, employment sector, and employment status.
May, 2018 | Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu, Bambang Sulaksono, Dinar Dwi Prasetyo, Widjajanti Isdijoso, Dyan Widyaningsih
This report describes the result of the qualitative socioeconomic monitoring conducted by The SMERU Research Institute toward the EINRIP road improvement in Kabupaten Bulukumba and Kabupaten Sinjai in the South of Sulawesi.
April, 2018 | Rendy Adriyan Diningrat
This policy brief recommends a model of village supervision by the community that adopts four principles of social accountability.
April, 2018 | Sudarno Sumarto, Julia E. Tobias, Samuel Bazzi, Adama Bah
Linking administrative data with an independent household survey, we find that the UDB system is more progressive than previous, program-specific targeting approaches.