Latest Publications

May, 2017 | Mayang Rizky, Sofni Indah Arifa Lubis, Nila Warda, Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu, Emmy Hermanus, Niken Kusumawardhani, Hafiz Arfyanto, Joseph Natanael Marshan, Nina Toyamah
The objective of this study is to obtain a description of child well-being, caregiving arrangements, and child caregiving practices in both poor migrant and non-migrant families in two migrant sending districts, namely Kabupaten Banyumas and Kabupaten Lombok Tengah.
May, 2017 | Luhur Bima, Cecilia Marlina
This paper attempts to explore deprivations experienced by children.
May, 2017 | The SMERU Research Institute , Endang Sulfiana
May, 2017 | Muhammad Syukri, Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Asep Kurniawan, Gema Satria Mayang Sedyadi, Kartawijaya , Rendy Adriyan Diningrat, Ulfah Alifia
This study is the baseline study of a two-year longitudinal study that observes how village administration mechanisms implemented principles of good governance (transparency, participation, and accountability) in the early years of the implementation of the Village Law.
April, 2017 | Asep Suryahadi