2016 Annual Report

Poverty and Inequality Analysis
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Policy Research

The commitment to achieving equal social welfare improvement is high on the development agenda throughout the world. This commitment is summarized in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets. The main targets include eliminating poverty and hunger in any forms and dimensions, achieving equality, and tackling climate change. The SDG agenda is considered to be beyond the MDGs because it takes into account the root causes of poverty and the universal need for inclusive development. With more goals and targets, the challenge of achieving the SDGs will indeed be more difficult. Responding to this challenge, the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) as the coordinator of SDG implementation in Indonesia requested that The SMERU Research Institute conduct a study on Indonesia’s MDG achievement and preparedness for SDGs. This study provides lessons learned and feedback, especially for the central government, in terms of planning, budgeting, and coordination of MDG implementation.

In addition, SMERU was involved in the process of formulating various policies with Bappenas through, among other things, discussions of development planning and evaluation. On another occasion, the findings of the baseline study on Village Law were incorporated in the training module for village facilitators prepared by Bappenas.

Currently, inequality between regions also remains a task for the government to deal with. Reducing the high rates of inequality is becoming increasingly important in order to be able to reach the poverty reduction targets set out in the national mediumterm development plan (RPJMN) and the SDGs. At the end of 2016, SMERU prepared a concept note related to the issue of inequality in Indonesia to meet the request of a special staff of the Office of Presidential Staff (KSP). This shows SMERU's commitment to proactively providing input on a variety of socioeconomic and poverty issues that are considered urgent and important for the people of Indonesia.
SMERY continues its efforts to engage in policy dialogues and  maintain communication with stakeholders at the subnational level. In this regard, in March 2016, SMERU, in collaboration with the Government of Kota Surakarta, held a “Workshop on the Role of Regional Governments in Improving the Welfare of the Poor”. The event aimed to hold a constructive policy dialogue and establish communication with stakeholders in the area. This event also provided an opportunity for SMERU to discuss and introduce SMERU’s research activities and publications, especially studies that have been conducted by SMERU in Kota Surakarta and other cities in the Province of Central Java.

As part of its efforts to maintain financial sustainability, SMERU has  has begun developing a business plan that is focused on the development of its internal organizational capacity and expanding its partnerships with external parties. The business plan is expected to enhance SMERU's ability to manage financial resources in a sustainable manner and improve its self-reliance by increasing the proportion of funds that originate from competitive grants.

SMERU ended the year 2016 by conducting a comparative study of several research institutes in Yogyakarta, including SurveyMETER, PSKK UGM, PKMK FK UGM, IRE, IDEA, and HRC. This activity aimed to explore the institutes’ concepts and practices of continuous organizational development. Lessons learned from this activity are expected to increase the awareness and understanding of the management and staff in making various strategic decisions to encourage SMERU’s independence.

This annual report portrays the scope of our work throughout 2016, which could not have been achieved without the dedication,commitment, and professionalism of entire SMERU staff. We are very proud of what we have achieved and look forward to our journey into the future. ™

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The SMERU Research Institute
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Annual Report
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