December, 2016 |
Asep Suryahadi, Armand Arief Sim, Daniel Suryadarma
The paper measures the effect of child market work on the long-term growth of human capital, focusing on the output of the human capital production: mathematics skills, cognitive skills, pulmonary function, and educational attainment.
November, 2016 |
Athia Yumna, Sri Budiyati, Asep Kurniawan, Nurmala Selly Saputri, Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu, Kartawijaya
From this study we found that, while JKN indeed protects the insured, poor pregnant mothers and newborns from direct medical cost, they still experience significant indirect costs to access the MNCH services.
This 2015 social research survey has confirmed that the benefits of the EINRIP road improvement projects, which were observed in the 2013 survey in Kabupaten Dompu have been sustained; and that the communities alongside the road sections in Kabupaten Sumabawa also enjoy the same benefits.