Latest Publications

September, 2015 | Armand Arief Sim, Radi Negara, Asep Suryahadi
This paper investigates the relationships between inequality, elite capture, and targeting performance of the two biggest social protection programs in Indonesia, the Rice for the Poor (Raskin) and Direct Cash Transfer (BLT) programs
August, 2015 | Athia Yumna, M. Fajar Rakhmadi, M. Firman Hidayat, Sarah E. Gultom, Asep Suryahadi
This paper provides empirical evidence of the impact of inequality on economic growth and unemployment in the Indonesian context.
June, 2015 | Prio Sambodho, Syaikhu Usman, Bambang Sulaksono, Muhammad Syukri, M. Sulton Mawardi
The field research aims to develop an understanding of how regions implement poverty mainstreaming, identify general problems, and the weaknesses and obstacles that are faced during efforts to reduce the rate of poverty.
May, 2015 | Deswanto Marbun, Palmira Permata Bachtiar, M. Sulton Mawardi
May, 2015 | Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Dinar Dwi Prasetyo
SMERU’s study on return migration (2014) has established a comprehensive migrant reintegration framework for Indonesia, enabling the mapping of reintegration programs in Indonesia.