Latest Publications

June, 2014 | Asep Suryahadi, Akhmadi , Hastuti , Niken Kusumawardhani, Rahmitha , Widjajanti Isdijoso, Nila Warda, Gracia Hadiwidjaja, PEKKA
June, 2014 | Abdul Ghofur
Through this study, the researcher shows that manusia gerobak, as part of the poor, are active subjects and have developed tactics that are both creative and manipulative in order to survive.
May, 2014 | Ruly Marianti
The study explores the community’s understanding of the condition of their welfare and the experiences associated with the ups and downs of welfare.
April, 2014 | Sudarno Sumarto, Marc Vothknecht, Laura Wijaya
In this paper, we discuss the factors that drive the evolution of poverty in a decentralized Indonesia, and relate kabupaten (district) performance in poverty reduction to a wide range of social, economic, and political characteristics within the area.