Latest Publications

December, 2013 | Asep Suryahadi, Prio Sambodho
This paper assesses the policies that are in place to improve teachers’ classroom qualifications and competencies, as well as the efforts being made to ensure that teachers are not absent from teaching their classes.
December, 2013 | Asri Yusrina, Akhmadi
It provides information about household members’ characteristics and their living condition but does not include an instrument about income or expenditure of households
December, 2013 | The SMERU Research Institute
December, 2013 | The SMERU Research Institute
December, 2013 | Samuel Bazzi, Sudarno Sumarto, Asep Suryahadi
This paper considers (i) how the timing of transfers affects household expenditure and labor supply responses, and (ii) how household expectations shape our interpretation of those responses. We study these issues in the context of a short-term program that provided quarterly unconditional transfers of US$30 to over 19 million households in Indonesia.