This study is part of the monitoring and evaluation for the Eastern Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (EINRIP) in Kabupaten (District of) Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, with a particular focus on Desa (Village of) Nanga Tempu in Kecamatan (Subdistrict of) Manggelewa. EINRIP is a joint project between the Indonesian and Australian governments to increase the quality of national roads in order to promote the economic and social development of communities in eastern Indonesia.
The study finds that road improvements have brought about many social and economic changes in local communities. The project has led to effective outcomes for programs aimed at increasing agricultural productivity, especially in Kabupaten Dompu’s priority areas of cattle, corn, and seaweed farming. Government officials have been making more regular visits to the area to monitor the pilot project together with the community. The local community has been planting more corn because it is now better able to market it. The construction of several storage facilities and processing plants by investors from outside Kecamatan Manggalewa has also made it easier for local agricultural produce to be sold in surrounding areas. Local residents in Desa Nanga Tumpu have enthusiastically welcomed the introduction of electricity that came about after the road improvements were completed. Access to health, education, and market infrastructure has also improved. However, economic competition in the transport and restaurant sectors has increased, which has led to reduced income. In addition, between 2008 and 2013 a change in the prosperity levels among Desa Nanga Tumpu residents occurred with the emergence of a group of very wealthy residents, which has further widened the welfare gap. This change significantly differs from the results of the baseline study in 2008.
In general, the improvements to national roads have accelerated development in Kabupaten Dompu, while also increasing social and economic activity in the community.