Eating in a Time of Food Price Volatility: Evidence from Three Villages in Indonesia

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

This report serves as the final report of the Life in a Time of Food Price Volatility research project in Indonesia. Results discussed in this report are based on the third year research activities focused on changing food habits and people’s perspectives towards processed and unsafe food. The third year research activities try to obtain an in-depth perspective on how the adjustment strategies of households and individuals, especially the poor ones, in facing price volatility may influence the way they are eating and living. Factors affecting the food habits of people may include lifestyle changes in the community and the broader nation/global wide influences generally associated with modernization and urbanization; the development of technology and rapid information influx—including massive media advertisements; as well as pressure from peers.

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Bambang Sulaksono
Rachma Indah Nurbani
Hariyanti Sadaly
Bambang Sulaksono
Hariyanti Sadaly
Research Area 
West Java
South Kalimantan
Research Topic 
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