Universal Health Care Scheme Consequences on Local Health Financing: Indonesia’s Experience

Local health financing scheme in Indonesia has been a continuing debate over the last decade. These local initiatives were mainly motivated by local political contexts in the decentralization era that stipulates roles of local governments in public spending and service delivery in various sectors, including health. Since Indonesia embarked on an ambitious universal healthcare scheme, namely Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), in 2014, all existing insurance schemes have been deliberately extended and integrated into one nationwide social health insurance. It is expected that this scheme will achieve universal coverage by 2019. In the meantime, the government has planned to incorporate all local health financing schemes into JKN by 2016. This study aims mainly to see what is happening with the local health financing schemes in the transition to the universal health coverage.

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Asep Kurniawan
Athia Yumna
Sri Budiyati
Nurmala Selly Saputri
Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu
Research Area 
Research Topic 
Publication Type 
Infographic, Poster, and Fact Sheet