Nawala SMERU March/XV/2024

It is essential to ensure that the economic contribution of the mining and quarrying sector also leads to sustainable improvements in the welfare of the surrounding communities. This issue of Nawala SMERU features a research report by SMERU, offering insights into the socioeconomic conditions of the communities living around the mining area in Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. This report serves as a foundation for initiatives aimed at fostering the prosperity of the local populace.

We also bring you our latest working paper analyzing the dynamics of the marine protected areas (MPAs) management in Indonesia, focusing on how they have addressed issues related to the biodiversity conservation and the welfare of communities living near MPAs.

In March, a media outlet turned once again to SMERU's senior research fellow for insights on the 2024 poverty reduction target. Check out the article to explore SMERU's analysis and perspectives on this matter.

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims observing Ramadan a blessed and fulfilling fasting journey. May this holy month bring about smooth spiritual progress and abundant blessings to everyone.

Thank you for your invaluable support.

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