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April, 2003 | The SMERU Research Institute
March, 2003 | Asep Suryahadi, Sudarno Sumarto
The present study finds, not only that the poverty rate increased significantly, but also that much of the increase was due to a large increase in the chronic poor category.
March, 2003 | Hastuti , John Maxwell, Bambang Sulaksono, Agus Priyambada, M. Sulton Mawardi, Daniel Perwira, Asep Suryahadi, Sudarno Sumarto
This edition highlights various facets of rice issues, from the Raskin program (Rice for the Poor), arguments for and against raising the rice tariff, the complications of rice price policy, the limited role of local governments in decision making processes surrounding rice policies, to the powerlessness of rice farmers.
March, 2003 | Sri Kusumastuti Rahayu, Sudarno Sumarto
This paper will particularly focus on industrial relations conditions and practices, particularly at the enterprise level
March, 2003 | M. Sulton Mawardi, Sudarno Sumarto

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