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We publish a variety of reports, working papers, policy briefs, and other publications for policymakers and the public. Explore our publications dating back to 1998.

April, 2017 | Asep Suryahadi
February, 2017 | Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Dinar Dwi Prasetyo
This paper tries to enlarge the conceptualization of migrant workers to include all forms of human, financial and social capital. It starts with a discussion on return migration theories and considers them in the context of Indonesia. Circular migration poses a challenge as as it does not guarantee the sustainability of reintegration.
February, 2017 | M. Sulton Mawardi, Ruhmaniyati , Ana Rosidha Tamyis, Syaikhu Usman, Asep Kurniawan, Budiani
January, 2017 | Bambang Sulaksono, Rachma Indah Nurbani, Nina Toyamah, Hariyanti Sadaly, Arran McMahon, Said Abdullah
Through the articles of SMERU’s newsletter, we draw on the aforementioned findings on coping strategies implemented to face food price volatility
December, 2016 | Niken Kusumawardhani, Dyan Widyaningsih, Valentina Yulita Dyah Utari, Joseph Natanael Marshan, Dinar Dwi Prasetyo, Hafiz Arfyanto, Veto Tyas Indrio, Michelle Andrina
This study strives to learn the impact of receiving PPS 2014 by comparing livelihood aspects of poor families who are PPS 2014 beneficiaries and those who are not

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