This research examines the post-mining transition in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, and how to facilitate a just transition to a post-mining local economy.
Ruhmaniyati , Rika Kumala Dewi, Sri Murniati, Affandi Ismail
Risa Wardatun Nihayah, Wiwin Purbaningrum
This study explores the challenges and opportunities for equipping young people with the skills needed to work in the agriculture sector and become key drivers to sustainable agriculture.
Nurmala Selly Saputri, Wandira Larasati
This project seeks to provide empirical evidence for whether air quality is an experience goods whose value is revealed only after consumption.
Ana Rosidha Tamyis, Veto Tyas Indrio, Wandira Larasati, Sylvia Andriyani Kusumandari
This study aims to present initial data (baseline) to map the socioeconomic conditions and issues of communities around the mining area in Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat.
Nila Warda, Dyan Widyaningsih, Asep Suryahadi, Sylvia Andriyani Kusumandari, Abdullah Faqih, Dimitri Swasthika Nurshadrina
This project seeks to offer a comprehensive analysis of social protection schemes and identify gaps that exclude certain at-risk communities, focusing specifically on Papua, Indonesia’s poorest province.