This study analyzes the impact of the PBI JKN program on healthcare access for poor and underprivileged communities, identifies non-medical cost barriers, and formulates strategies to reduce out-of-pocket cost burdens for PBI JKN beneficiaries.
Impact Analysis of Premium Assistance in the Health Insurance Program on Poor and Underprivileged Communities: Case Studies from Lebak, Indramayu, and Sampang in 2024
This study analyzes the impact of the PBI JKN program on healthcare access for poor and underprivileged communities, identifies non-medical cost barriers, and formulates strategies to reduce out-of-pocket cost burdens for PBI JKN beneficiaries.
Evaluation of Stunting Interventions in Indonesia: Impacts at the Kabupaten/Kota Level
This study evaluates stunting interventions in Indonesia and their impact on enhancing local government capacity in efforts to reduce stunting at the kabupaten/kota level.
SMERU extends technical assistance to the Bogor City Government in the development of the RPKD, involving document reviews, quantitative analysis, and qualitative analysis.
This research looks especially at the extent to which social protection can be used as a policy instrument to enhance people’s adaptive capacity to deal with the new problems and issues caused by climate change.
This research specifically explores the dynamics of inequality in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Indonesia and factors that correlate with it both at macro and micro levels.
The partnership between SMERU, as a knowledge producer, and UNICEF, which is focused on child rights advocacy, is expected to provide a stronger and more effective advocacy base for improving child well-being in Indonesia.