

Athia Yumna, M. Fajar Rakhmadi, Asep Suryahadi, Sarah E. Gultom, M. Firman Hidayat, Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin
Luhur Bima, Cecilia Marlina

As a follow-up to the working paper on ‘Multidimensional Child Poverty for Children Under-5 Years Old’, this study provides an update and extends the analysis of children suffering multiple deprivations. This quantitative analysis is also able to further develop an Indonesian specific Multiple Overlapping Deprivations Approach (MODA), initiated by UNICEF.

Muhammad Syukri, Sofni Indah Arifa Lubis, M. Fajar Rakhmadi, Ana Rosidha Tamyis, Hafiz Arfyanto, Nurmala Selly Saputri, Cecilia Marlina
Radi Negara, Sudarno Sumarto, Radi Negara, Meuthia Rosfadhila, Niken Kusumawardhani, Mayang Rizky, M. Fajar Rakhmadi

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