The Situation of the Elderly in Indonesia and Access to Social Protection Programs: Secondary Data Analysis

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Policy Research

The Indonesian Government continues to improve its social protection system to ensure the welfare of all citizens in accordance with the mandate of the constitution. Among the population groups that require special attention in the social protection system is the elderly. Based on the 2019 National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas), there are more than 25.7 million people, or 9.6 percent of the total population aged 60 years and over in Indonesia.

According to Statistics Indonesia, the number of elderly people in Indonesia is expected to increase by around 10 percent by 2020 and around 20 percent by 2024. It is estimated that by 2050 the elderly population will reach 74 million or around 25 percent of the total population (UN 2017). This group is vulnerable to poverty and is not enjoying a decent level of welfare.

As a person ages, they generally become less productive and experience a decline in, or even a loss of income. This situation creates vulnerability to various risks and shocks, particularly of a socioeconomic nature. In such conditions, it is very important to have adequate social protection programs, particularly for the elderly at risk due to poverty.

The central and local governments already have a range of social protection programs for the elderly.  However, the number of elderly beneficiaries remains low. Only two percent of the total elderly population in Indonesia benefit from non-contributory social protection or social assistance schemes. Meanwhile, only around 12 percent of the elderly have access to contributory social protection schemes or social security for the workforce, including pension funds for civil servants. With only a limited number of elderly having social protection, it is very important to conduct research to understand the situation of the elderly, the existence of social protection programs for the elderly, and their access to such programs.

The Situation of the Elderly in Indonesia and Access to Social Protection Programs: Secondary Data Analysis The Situation of the Elderly in Indonesia and Access to Social Protection Programs: Secondary Data Analysis research report provides a situational analysis of the elderly nationally and in three provinces, namely DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, and Bali. We hope that this report can serve as a reference in improving and developing a comprehensive Indonesian social protection system in the future, especially for the elderly.

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Hafiz Arfyanto
Muhammad Adi Rahman
Nina Toyamah
Sri Murniati
Hafiz Arfyanto
Muhammad Adi Rahman
Research Area 
Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Special Region of Yogyakarta
elderly welfare
Publication Type 
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