Made Anthony Iswara

Junior Researcher

Anthony is a junior qualitative researcher who specializes in poverty and inequality. He aspires to improve social welfare in Indonesia by bridging knowledge and public policy through evidence-based advocacy. His portfolio includes over 700 media articles and 25 policy communication outputs, including policy briefs, policy presentations, research reports, press releases, op-eds, and infographics.

Anthony is pursuing a master’s degree in public policy and management at Monash University, Indonesia, due to be completed in 2025. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with a focus on Mass Communications from Oklahoma City University, where he was awarded the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award (Bronze) with a GPA of 3.7.

Anthony joined SMERU in 2022 as a junior qualitative researcher who is responsible for data collection as well as analyzing and supporting the dissemination of research findings. Prior to joining SMERU, he was a journalist at the daily English newspaper The Jakarta Post, a researcher at the online media Tirto.ID, and a researcher at the youth organization Think Policy. 

In 2023, The Conversation Indonesia selected his co-authored opinion article titled "Miskin menurut siapa? Solusi menaikkan garis kemiskinan Indonesia" (Who defines poverty? Solutions for raising Indonesia’s poverty line) out of 5,100 entries for its book Membangun Perdebatan yang Inklusif dan Progresif: 32 Artikel Pilihan Jelang Pemilu 2024 (Building an Inclusive and Progressive Debate: 32 Handpicked Articles Ahead of the 2024 Election). He also won five awards when he was a journalist, including the European Union’s EU4Wartawan award in 2020. In 2021, the international nonprofit organization Climate Tracker selected him out of 900 applicants as one of the eight fellows who reported live from the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland. 


poverty, inequality
Oklahoma City University in collaboration with Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) – B.A., liberal studies with concentration in mass communications

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