City-Level Tech Startup Ecosystems and Talent Development in Indonesia

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Policy Research
  • City-level ecosystems are best positioned to foster tech startups, especially early- stage ventures. Ecosystems should play an active role in startup enablement, talent development, and urban place-making.
  • Tech startups benefit from local support provided by startup incubators and accelerators, funding from personal and professional networks, research insights produced by universities, incentives from local government agencies, and business relationships with clients.
  • Recruiting and retaining quality talent is key for startups because of the “money-follows-talent” principle. Tech startups require a diverse set of talent.
  • While remote work has become mainstream, startups often recruit from within their personal networks and rely on face- to-face interaction to build trust and commitment.
  • Startup talent is nurtured through a variety of channels: (i) the education system, notably universities; (ii) incubators and accelerators; (iii) within the startups themselves; and (iv) experience gained from working in other firms

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Palmira Permata Bachtiar
Paul Vanderberg
Hening Wikan Sawiji
Research Area 
tech startup
digital talent development
tech startup ecosystem
Publication Type 
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