Kabupaten Ketapang’s Inclusive Economic Development Index (IEDI): Low Inclusiveness amid High Economic Growth

Poverty and Inequality Analysis
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Policy Research

For the 2011–2021 period, the Inclusive Economic Development Index (IEDI) of Kabupaten (District of) Ketapang was lower than Indonesia’s national average. Its economic growth rate, which was higher than both the national average and province, was not followed proportionally by a decrease in its poverty rate.

The challenges Kabupaten Ketapang face to achieve inclusive economic development include its vast territory, small population, and low real fiscal capacity. These factors are the cause of the government’s low capacity in providing both basic and supporting infrastructures to help optimize the utilization of natural resources.

To achieve a more inclusive economic development without burdening its regional budget (APBD), Kabupaten Ketapang can seek to increase the productivity of the agricultural and investment sectors; improve the quality of human resources; develop micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs); and coordinate with the West Kalimantan Provincial Government to provide educational infrastructure.


Suggested citation:

Mawardi, M. Sulton, Kholifatin Artika, Fajar Nurhaditia Putra, Abdullah Faqih, and Wandira Larasati (2022) ‘Kabupaten Ketapang’s Inclusive Economic Development Index (IEDI): Low Inclusiveness amid High Economic Growth.’ Research Note No. 2. Jakarta: The SMERU Research Institute.

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M. Sulton Mawardi
Kholifatin Artika
Fajar Nurhaditia Putra
Abdullah Faqih
Wandira Larasati
Kholifatin Artika
Fajar Nurhaditia Putra
Abdullah Faqih
Wandira Larasati
Research Area 
West Kalimantan
Research Topic 
high economic growth
high poverty rate
low real fiscal capacity
Publication Type 
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