Latest Publications

December, 2020 | Ridho Al Izzati , Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi
In this paper, we estimate the behavioral effects of BLT and its successor, BLSM (Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat, or Temporary Direct Cash Transfer), which was implemented in 2013. BLT and BLSM had about 15.5 million beneficiary households each.
November, 2020 | Mayang Rizky, Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi
To understand the core drivers of informal worker dynamics, in this study we focus on male informal workers in non-agricultural sectors and, instead of looking at the whole workforce, we focus on the first jobs of young workers.
November, 2020 | The SMERU Research Institute
November, 2020 | Daniel Suryadarma, Rizki Fillaili, Rezanti Putri Pramana, Shintia Revina
We examine the effectiveness of the government's most recent TPD reform, Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan or PKB (Continuing Professional Development), and identify the factors that influence the program's effectiveness.