Latest Publications

January, 2024 | Niken Kusumawardhani
The chapters in this volume bring gender to the centre stage and provide reflections on the political, economic, social, and cultural progress and barriers in achieving gender equality and diversity in Indonesia.
December, 2023 | Risa Wardatun Nihayah, Wahyu Farrah Dina, Dyana Wjayanti, Annabel Noor Asyah
This research seeks to understand how a curriculum reform that emphasizes student-centered learning influences classroom instruction. The new curriculum is designed by the government of Indonesia to grant autonomy to teachers in re-emphasizing learning according to the student’s needs and local context.
December, 2023 | The SMERU Research Institute
Throughout 2022, we successfully carried out 41 research projects, produced 54 publications (self-published and externally published), and organized 11 research dissemination events as well as 5 policy discussion forums with national and international organizations.
December, 2023 | The SMERU Research Institute
November, 2023 | The SMERU Research Institute