Annual Report 2022

In 2022, SMERU continued to build its resilience and readiness to actively contribute to the formulation of public policies oriented toward reducing poverty and inequality. Throughout 2022, we successfully carried out 41 research projects, produced 54 publications (self-published and externally published), and organized 11 research dissemination events as well as 5 policy discussion forums with national and international organizations.

Working together with the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DI Yogyakarta) and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, we organized the Regional Development Forum (FPD) with a focus on developing micro-, small-, and medium scale enterprises (MSMEs) and improving human resources in DI Yogyakarta. At the international level, SMERU participated in supporting Indonesia’s presidency of the Group of 20 (G20) through Think20 (T20). We were the host organization of Task Force 5 (T5) that discussed issues related to inequality, human development, and welfare. SMERU also collaborated with CIPPEC (Argentina) and GIZ (Germany) in organizing a policy forum event on “The Future of Work in the Global South”. Meanwhile, the Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) Programme in Indonesia concluded its activities that had run for five years. Findings of RISE studies were summarized into “Five Actions to Accelerate Progress in Learning in Indonesia” through the improvement of students’ basic skills. SMERU continues to work on education issues through, among other things, its involvement in Mitra Pendidikan Indonesia (Local Education Group).

SMERU also strengthens the internal institutional quality by updating its Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy; Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy; Child Protection Policy; and Policy on Protection of Personal Data. Thus, it is hoped that all SMERU’s activities have adhered to the principles and codes of conduct of human rights protection.

In 2022, we experienced a high staff turnover and mourned the loss of one of our trustees, Gregory Churchill. We grieve the passing of Pak Greg and feel the loss of a teacher who always provided advice and guidance. This was the year of challenges, yet we managed to go through it, thanks to the team spirit and good teamwork. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to donor organizations and our partners who provided support and collaborated with us throughout 2022. Our appreciation also goes to all SMERU staff persons for their hard work and dedication, as well as the trustees, supervisors, and managers of The SMERU Foundation for their continuous support for the institute’s activities

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The SMERU Research Institute
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Annual Report
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