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We publish a variety of reports, working papers, policy briefs, and other publications for policymakers and the public. Explore our publications dating back to 1998.

April, 2015 | Valentina Yulita Dyah Utari, Rachma Indah Nurbani, Novita Maizir, Hafiz Arfyanto, Bambang Sulaksono, Hariyanti Sadaly
February, 2015 | Athia Yumna, Asep Suryahadi
The results of analyses in this study suggest that inequality does matter for economic growth and unemployment rate.
February, 2015 | Athia Yumna, Asep Suryahadi
Rising inequality is harmful for societal stability. However, different forms of inequality may affect different types of collective violence in varying ways.
December, 2014 | Rika Kumala Dewi, Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi
In this paper, we examine the effect of the expansion of commercial television broadcasting on fertility in Indonesia

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