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We publish a variety of reports, working papers, policy briefs, and other publications for policymakers and the public. Explore our publications dating back to 1998.

December, 2014 | The SMERU Research Institute
December, 2014 | Phillip McKenzie, Dita Nugroho, Clare Ozolins, Julie McMillan, Sudarno Sumarto, Nina Toyamah, Vita Febriany, Robert Justin Sodo, Luhur Bima, Armand Arief Sim
The study builds on earlier work on teacher absence in Indonesia conducted in 2003 and 2008. Aspects of the study design, including revisiting schools that participated in these earlier studies, enable analysis of change over time in the absence rate and the impact of selected policies and programs.
December, 2014 | Palmira Permata Bachtiar, Luhur Bima, Robert Justin Sodo, Halilul Khairi, Fransisca Fitri
This edition discusses the implementation of service standards in Indonesia, and details the findings of a study by SMERU on this topic in three kabupaten/ kota (districts/cities).
December, 2014 | Rika Kumala Dewi, Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi
In this paper, we examine the effect of the expansion of commercial television broadcasting on fertility in Indonesia
December, 2014 | Palmira Permata Bachtiar, M. Sulton Mawardi, Deswanto Marbun

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