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We publish a variety of reports, working papers, policy briefs, and other publications for policymakers and the public. Explore our publications dating back to 1998.

July, 2013 | Robert Sparrow, Ellen Van de Poel, Gracia Hadiwidjaja, Athia Yumna, Nila Warda, Asep Suryahadi
We assess the economic risk of ill health for households in Indonesia and the role of informal coping strategies.
July, 2013 | Widjajanti Isdijoso, Armand Arief Sim, Deswanto Marbun, Hariyanti Sadaly, Hastuti , Robert Justin Sodo, Rachma Indah Nurbani, Rahmitha , Umbu Reku Raya, Vita Febriany, Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu
This report deliberates the multiple dimensions of poverty and disparities faced by children in Indonesia. This report also advocates for poverty reduction policies and programmes that are more child-focused.
July, 2013 | The SMERU Research Institute
Poverty and vulnerability reduction mainstreaming (PVRM) can be defined as a strategy that explicitly integrates poverty and vulnerability considerations into every stage of the development process and governance.
April, 2013 | Prio Sambodho, Rizki Fillaili, Robert Justin Sodo
The results of a 2011 SMERU study suggest that there is only a limited understanding by stakeholders, particularly the local government work units (SKPD), of the relationship between the elements of spatial planning and efforts to reduce poverty

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