Gender & Women

April, 2021 | Asep Suryahadi, Rizki Fillaili, Michelle Andrina, Fauzan Kemal Musthofa, Sylvia Andriyani Kusumandari

In this study, we conducted an assessment of the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on households with particular focus on vulnerable groups.

April, 2021 | Niken Kusumawardhani, Nurmala Selly Saputri, Daniel Suryadarma, Rezanti Putri Pramana

This study assess the internet’s role in facilitating or challenging the transition process of previously working mothers who recently gave birth.

September, 2019 | Hafiz Arfyanto, Nila Warda, Mayang Rizky, Veto Tyas Indrio, Ana Rosidha Tamyis, Dyan Widyaningsih, Ruhmaniyati , Jimmy Daniel Berlianto Oley, Asep Kurniawan, Sri Murniati

This study aims to evaluate the socioeconomic conditions of poor women and their households and to assess the changes of poor women’s access to basic services.

November, 2018 | Nila Warda, Dinar Dwi Prasetyo, Ana Rosidha Tamyis, Rezanti Putri Pramana, Asep Kurniawan, Maudita Dwi Anbarani

The baseline data collection (the study) will provide a foundation for the project´s key quantitative and qualitative indicators within the WfW project’s M&E Plan, and create the basis to measure and report the project’s performance and any changes for each indicator.

March, 2018 | Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu, Dinar Dwi Prasetyo, Widjajanti Isdijoso, Rizki Fillaili, Fatin Nuha Astini

The primary objectives of the research is to deepen the understanding of the current context with relation to GESI.

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