Gender & Women

October, 2015 | Rachma Indah Nurbani, Valentina Yulita Dyah Utari, Hariyanti Sadaly, Widjajanti Isdijoso, Elza Elmira

This research aims to explore opportunities to increase the profile of unpaid care work in public policy discourse. It is part of a global study on unpaid care work organized by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). The study, which involves Indonesia and Bangladesh, explores different political conditions that have made policymakers acknowledge or neglect the significance of unpaid care work. 

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July, 2015 | Athia Yumna, Sri Budiyati, Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu, Nurmala Selly Saputri, Kartawijaya , Asep Kurniawan

This study intended to provide an initial assessment on its early implementation, focusing mainly on maternal and child health (MCH) issues, in an attempt to provide policy recommendations at the national level.

June, 2015 | Rahmitha , Hastuti , Nila Warda, Akhmadi , Niken Kusumawardhani, Asep Suryahadi, Widjajanti Isdijoso, Gracia Hadiwidjaja

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