

Asep Suryahadi, Mayang Rizky

This research project aims to characterize workers’ livelihoods in different informal work segments.

Athia Yumna, Akhmadi , Yudi Fajar M. Wahyu, Hesti Marsono, Veto Tyas Indrio, Mayang Rizky

SMERU aims to fill the gaps in knowledge and data availability by working closely with local government officials in relevant local government working units.

Dyan Widyaningsih, Rika Kumala Dewi, Ridho Al Izzati

This study is expected to provide a basis for advocacy for improving the policy environment, programs, and directions on issues related to Indonesian youth development. 

Daniel Suryadarma, Wandira Larasati

The study is expected to emphasize the improvement of vocational education outcomes and address issues related to teachers.

Niken Kusumawardhani, Nurmala Selly Saputri, Daniel Suryadarma, Rezanti Putri Pramana

This study assess the internet’s role in facilitating or challenging the transition process of previously working mothers who recently gave birth.

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