This study evaluates stunting interventions in Indonesia and their impact on enhancing local government capacity in efforts to reduce stunting at the kabupaten/kota level.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
This baseline study measures the level of trust and confidence among representatives of GEDSI-focused CSOs, and provincial governments in local development processes.
This research examines the post-mining transition in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra, and how to facilitate a just transition to a post-mining local economy.
This study aims to present initial data (baseline) to map the socioeconomic conditions and issues of communities around the mining area in Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat.
This study uses mixed methods to examine the challenges and opportunities to improve the quality of education. We analyze secondary data from two national educational assessments (the Assessment Nasional/ AN and the AKMI) to examine student literacy and numeracy outcomes and case studies in two districts in Indonesia.