(This webinar is only available in Indonesian)
In an effort to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, in mid-March 2020, the government decided to temporarily stop learning activities in schools. Initially, the school closure policy was to be enforced for two weeks. However, pandemic transmission rates in various regions continued to increase, forcing schools to implement learning activities from home (BDR) until at least October 2020. The long-standing implementation of BDR made some teachers who initially thought that school closures would only be done in a short period of time experienced difficulties because they did not have adequate preparation.
The implementation of BDR activities also varied greatly because it was influenced by various factors. According to several studies, variations between teachers, between schools, and between environments also had a role in supporting or hindering implementation. However, it is not known how variations in these aspects have affected inequality in learning opportunities among students with different backgrounds.
In order to enrich the discourse related to efforts to anticipate the widening of learning disparities caused by inequality in the implementation of Learning from Home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SMERU Research Institute supported by Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) held a webinar titled "Learning from Home: Challenges and Strategies to Overcome Learning Inequalities During the Covid Pandemic -19". This discussion was also expected to enrich the proposed policy recommendations that can be carried out by the government in tackling the problem of education as a result of the current COVID-19 crisis.
- Florischa Ayu Tresnatri (Researcher, The SMERU Research Institute)
- Iwan Syahril (Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture)
- Rosmini Rusli (Teacher, SDN 128 Panatakan, Enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan)