(This webinar is only available in Indonesian)
The COVID-19 pandemic has a very broad impact on the social and economic aspects of community life, as well as on the aspects of basic services, such as health services. With the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), the frequency of health services to the community is automatically reduced, including nutrition and health services for mothers and children. On the other hand, the government also issued policies related to the adjustment of health services during the pandemic, which directly affected the availability of and access of the public to health services. This has become a potential barrier for mothers and children—as a vulnerable group—to obtain optimal health services. In the long term, reduced frequency of services will have a negative impact on the health status of mothers and children, and will lead to new nutritional and health problems in the future.
To further understand how health services and vulnerable groups adapt in order to build resilience amid a pandemic, The SMERU Research Institute, supported by the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI), intends to present the results of related research through webinar forums. In this forum, the supporting and inhibiting factors in the adaptation process of institutions and the community will also be discussed.
This webinar aims to:
- Deliver the results of SMERU's research related to (1) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the adaptation process on nutrition and MCH health services in the community, (2) Sociocultural resilience of vulnerable groups amid a pandemic.
- Discuss the direction of policies and strategies that can be carried out by the government in tackling the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on health services in Indonesia and the sociocultural life of the people.
- Nurmala Selly Saputri (The SMERU Research Institute)
- Rizki Fillaili (The SMERU Research Institute)
- Muh. Fahrisal A. (Dinas Kesehatan Pemprov DKI Jakarta)
- Wisnu Yulianto (Dinas Kesehatan Pemprov DKI Jakarta)
- Meuthia Ganie-Rochman (FISIP UI)