Developing Nutrition Maps in Indonesia

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

(This webinar is only available in Indonesian)

TNP2K, in collaboration with the National Institute of Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) and The SMERU Research Institute (SMERU), conducted a study "Testing the Small Area Estimation (SAE) Method to Develop Nutrition Maps in Indonesia" during February–May 2019. The study aimed at mapping stunting cases in villages in Indonesia to determine regions to be prioritized in the efforts to handle stunting. With the study, SMERU designed and tested the first nutrition map in Indonesia using the data available in six kabupaten (districts) which became the priority regions for stunting eradication effort at the kecamatan (subdistrict)/village level, i.e., Rokan Hulu, Lampung Tengah, Tasikmalaya, Pemalang, Jember, and Timor Tengah Selatan. The map would then be used as a prototype to expand the nutrition map estimation to include all villages in Indonesia as part of the National Strategy to Accelerate Stunting Prevention.
Speakers: Elza Elmira (Researcher, The SMERU Research Institute)

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