Nawala SMERU January/XXIV/2025

January 2025 marks SMERU's 24th anniversary, a milestone reflecting years of experience and knowledge gained through extensive research. We will not stop here. We remain committed to contributing through research that supports the realization of an Indonesian society free of all forms of poverty and inequality.

This issue of our newsletter features a white paper presenting the results of a simulation on the impact of the energy transition on the welfare of vulnerable groups. This simulation was conducted collaboratively by several institutions, including SMERU. The findings are significant and provide crucial insights for formulating energy transition policies that better address the needs of vulnerable communities.

National Nutrition Day on 25 January reminds us of the importance of ensuring nutritious and affordable food for everyone. Our 2018 study revealed that volatility in the prices of food and basic necessities has profound effects on welfare, especially for vulnerable communities. On this occasion, let’s take the opportunity to reinforce our commitment to advocating pro-poor policies.

Our esteemed readers, you are an integral part of our journey. Your feedback fuels our progress.

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