Coverage and Targeting in the Indonesian Social Safety Net Programs: Evidence from 100 Village Survey

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

This note is a preliminary evaluation on how effective the JPS programs have been in achieving their purpose of helping the poor and the needy to cope with the crisis impacts. This is done by assessing the coverage of the programs among the poor as well as how the benefits of the programs have been distributed between the poor and the non-poor. The data used in the analysis were collected through the December 1998 round of the '100 Village Survey' by the Indonesian Central Agency of Statistics ("Badan Pusat Statistik" of BPS).

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Asep Suryahadi
Yusuf Suharso
Sudarno Sumarto
Research Area 
Social safety net
jaring pengaman sosial
economic crisis
social protection
Publication Type 
Working Paper
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