The existing dichotomy between the central and regional governments under the framework of decentralization may pose policy gaps. Lack of protection for migrant workers is one example of the effects of these policy gaps. This edition of the SMERU newsletter discusses the complex problems of the management of migrant workers uncovered in The SMERU Research Institute’s study on decentralization and management of migrant workers in Indonesia. The study, which was supported by the IDRC-PIDS, was conducted in four kabupaten, namely Blitar, Ponorogo, Lombok Barat, and Lombok Tengah between 2009 and 2011 and analyzes factors that trigger a kabupaten to issue policies aiming to protect migrant workers.
As pointed out in some the of articles in this edition, the complexity surrounding the management of migrant workers in the decentralization era includes not only issues concerning the division of authority, but also the question of whether regional governance is able to involve and support the capacity of civil society, community-based organizations, and the private sector in policy processes to protect migrant workers. Guest writer Agustinus Supriyanto of the National Commission on Violence against Women looks at the legal aspect of migrant workers’ protection by reviewing Law No. 39/2004, and Endang Sri Rahayu of PPSW Pasoendan shares her organization’s experience in advocating for regional regulations on migrant workers’ protection.
Without a doubt, the central and regional governments both have a major role in this legal transformation. However, it is undeniable that civil society organizations are the catalyst behind the policy reform for migrant workers’ protection.