Experience shows that locating the target for poverty reduction and social protection programs is one of the most crucial and difficult problems in the implementation of these programs. In Indonesia – a populous country which is very large in size, and where poverty statistics are reliable only down to the provincial-urban/rural level – geographic targeting of the poor is not an easy undertaking. Significant efforts to map poverty at small administrative areas in Indonesia only started in the mid 1990s.
Recently, an effort has been made to create a poverty map of Indonesia using a newly developed ELL (Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw) method. Through a competitive grant from the Ford Foundation’s “Regional Research Initiative on Social Protection in Asia”, the SMERU Research Institute has completed the application of this poverty mapping method to all provinces in Indonesia. The final result of this work is a poverty map for the whole country, disaggregated at provincial, district, subdistrict, and village levels.
This report describes the aforementioned effort to develop poverty maps of all provinces in Indonesia. Overall, this report consists of four volumes, respectively: (i) Technical Report; (ii) Results of Model Estimations; (iii) Poverty Estimates; and (iv) Field Verification. In addition, a CD-Interactive visualizing the poverty maps is also available as an integral part of this report.