Inequality and the exclusion of marginalized groups remain significant challenges in Indonesia. Civil society organizations (CSOs) play a strategic role in advocating for the rights of marginalized groups and driving more inclusive change, both through advocacy and empowerment. To further optimize the strategic role of CSOs, SMERU, supported by the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Basic Service Acceleration (Synergies and Collaboration for Basic Service Delivery Acceleration/SKALA), explores ways for how CSOs and local governments can collaborate more effectively in mainstreaming gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI), particularly in planning and budgeting. This research aims to bolster good governance and foster a more inclusive Indonesia.
In this newsletter edition, we present two two compelling research-based reads to broaden your perspective. First, an in-depth analysis of the correlation between agricultural sector growth and rural economic development. Although published in 2009, the findings of this research remain relevant for designing rural development strategies based on agriculture. Second, a study that reveals the role of social capital in enhancing community well-being. This study identifies the forms of social capital that have the most significant impact in the Indonesian context.
I would also like to inform you that SMERU Learning Centre offers customized training programs that are specifically designed to meet your organization's unique needs. Our team of experts will equip your staff with a comprehensive understanding of socioeconomic research, and show them how to use this knowledge to make better decisions. Contact us today to learn more.