Of Power and Learning: District Heads, Bureaucracy, and Education Policies in Indonesia’s Decentralised Political System

Policy Research

This paper examines the politics of education policies in a decentralised political system: Under what conditions does decentralisation promote learning-enhancing policies?

Despite the numerous works that have been written on decentralisation and education, little is known about how politics influenced local education policies. To address this problem, this paper looks at the linkages between local politics, bureaucratic capacity, and the development of learning-enhancing policies in Indonesia’s decentralised political system. More specifically, it assesses how regional variation in the discretionary power of district heads over employment decisions in the state bureaucracy explains the variation in local education policies in four districts in Indonesia.


This is one of a series of working papers from RISE—the large-scale education systems research programme supported by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Syaikhu Usman
Sirojuddin Arif
Niken Rarasati
Risa Wardatun Nihayah
Shintia Revina
Niken Rarasati
Risa Wardatun Nihayah
Research Area 
West Sumatra
West Java
East Java
South Sulawesi
Research Topic 
district heads
discretionary power
bureaucratic capacity
Publication Type 
Working Paper