Out-of-date and incorrect Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) resulted in mistargeting and delays in the distribution of social welfare assistance at the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This data inaccuracy was caused by many kabupaten (district)/kota (city) governments inconsistently updating their social welfare data. Several studies in Brazil show that an up-to-date and high-quality integrated poverty data system will improve the effectiveness of social welfare assistance programs and contribute to rapid poverty reduction. This study aims to analyze how the DTKS is currently updated and learn how to improve the DTKS update process in the future. The data for this research was collected qualitatively in six regions from December 2020 to May 2021. This study finds two main interrelated factors that influenced the DTKS update process; they were kabupaten/kota governments’ motivation to update the DTKS and their capacity to do so. To improve the practice of DTKS updates, regional governments require (i) encouragement to utilize the DTKS more; (ii) clear regulations regarding data collection and use; and (iii) strengthened capacity, including their institutional and human resource capacity, village/kelurahan (urban village) deliberation meetings, budget, monitoring, coordination, and facilities/infrastructure. The important stages which determine the quality, consistency, and outcomes of the update process include technical guidance sessions, village/kelurahan deliberation meetings, and household visits. Even though updating DTKS is the responsibility of kabupaten/kota governments, support and involvement of governments at all levels are required to ensure that quality data is updated continuously.
Suggested citation:
Widyaningsih, Dyan, Ruhmaniyati, and Nina Toyamah (2023) ‘Promoting Continuous and Systematic Updates of Integrated Social Welfare Data.’ SMERU Working Paper No. 1/2023. Jakarta: The SMERU Research Institute <URL> [access date].