Wenefrida Widyanti, Asep Suryahadi
Kate Weatherley
The Governance and Decentralization Survey (GDS) aims to evaluate the implementation of local governance and decentralization policy in Indonesia. The GDS was designed to initiate a database that will be used for the evaluation. Similar to the previous GDS rounds, the GDS2 is an integrated survey of households, public health and education facilities, private health practitioners, hamlet heads (kepala dusun), and district- and village-level officials. In total, around 32,000 respondents were interviewed and it was implemented in 133 districts.
This report provides an assessment of many aspects of household access to public services, especially health, education, and public administration, from both the supply and demand side. Other social aspects are also included in the analysis, such as conditions of security, social and political participation, and conflict. In addition, the GDS2 incorporates an assessment of the central government’s program related to the reduction in the fuel price subsidy, known as the Fuel Subsidy Reduction Compensation Program (PKPS-BBM). The survey analysis is disaggregated by three World Bank projects, namely the Support for Poor and Disadvantaged Areas Project (SPADA), Initiatives for Local Governance Reform Project (ILGRP), and Urban Sector Development and Reform Program (USDRP), which were accommodated in the GDS2 sampling design.
Keywords: governance, decentralization, PKPS-BBM assessment